Tasmanian IT – “Take 5”

Tasmanian IT Blog   •   May 3, 2019

Each week, we post a “Take 5” article to our website with tips, tricks, thoughts and actions we’ve come across during the week that we feel you may benefit from too.

It’s designed to be short and sharp that you can read when you need to “Take 5”.

Grab a drink, give yourself a (productive) break and check out our latest 5 below.

  1. Dealing with Work Fatigue.

OK hands up. We here at Tasmanian IT have been known to push back from the desk and do 5 minutes of Yoga or mediation. It clears the head and reenergizes us for the fabulous work we do here.  But what about a nap in the workplace?  In this article, Five Experts talks about the Pros and Cons and the Consequences. Enjoy but don’t fall  a ZZZzzzzzzzz

Link: https://theconversation.com/we-asked-five-experts-should-we-nap-during-the-day-112523

2. Vote Compass

Each week we aim to give you a resource that you can utilise in the work place.  Today, we’re giving you an arguably more important resource, a website that can assist you making a decision about who will lead the country.  This affects all areas of our community, families and of course, business.

At Tasmanian IT, we are not interested in telling you which way to vote, but to ensure that when you do vote, you vote knowing the facts of what your vote means.

We do recommend taking a moment to go to the following link, answer the short survey of questions, and the website will give you feedback on where your preferences sit in the political landscape – which may help you decide which way to vote.

Link: https://votecompass.abc.net.au/

3. Your Success Recognised 

Do you know someone who could be the next big thing in project leadership? Or a project that deserves recognition for outstanding achievements? The Project Management Achievement Awards (PMAAs) exist to recognise, honor and promote outstanding achievements in program and project leadership.  Submit now for your opportunity to showcase your projects, differentiate yourself from your peers and to be recognised for outstanding achievement.

Link: https://aipm.com.au/awards/pmaa-guide-to-entry

4. Work Life Balance

Of course, part of dealing with work fatigue is the all-important Work Life balance and trying to get that right.  We found this great simple InfoGraphic that outlines some simple tips and reminders you might want to consider from the good folk at Criteria for Success.

Link: http://go.criteriaforsuccess.com/work-life-balance-infographic

5. Quote of the week

“Don’t confuse having a career with having a life.”

– Hillary Clinton

Have a great week from the Tasmanian IT Team