Tasmanian IT – Take 5
Sam Brodribb2019-06-06T12:09:46+10:00In the process of getting things done, it is one thing to be efficient and another thing to be lazy. In the delivery of projects, by definition, no two projects are the same. But that doesn't mean the process and framework is also unique, in fact - that is why we have project methodology.
Tasmanian IT – Take 5
Sam Brodribb2019-05-24T12:10:47+10:00While trying to triage issues over the phone can work - often there is more to the story than what is being said. In this case, being able to remotely login and see exactly what is on the screen can save enormous amounts of time, effort and sanity... Read on to view what we recommend
Tasmanian IT – Take 5
Sam Brodribb2019-05-17T07:51:04+10:00Each week we aim to give you a resource that you can utilise in the work place. Today, we're giving you an arguably more important resource, a website that can assist you making a decision about who will lead the country. This affects all areas of our community, families and of course, business. #VoteCompass
Tasmanian IT – Take 5
Sam Brodribb2019-04-24T16:04:00+10:00"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing" ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Tasmanian IT – Take 5
Sam Brodribb2019-04-12T12:58:22+10:00Companies can realise value in their current legacy ICT Hardware, rather than looking at this legacy hardware as a right off.
Tasmanian IT – Take 5
Sam Brodribb2019-03-29T14:59:31+11:00The impact of unconscious bias is that there is bias (conscious or unconscious) in the workplace, we continue to recruit, promote, allocate work, and manage performance with filters on our thinking.
Tasmanian IT – Take 5
Sam Brodribb2019-03-22T14:26:41+11:00Writing solid white papers is an incredibly important skill - however sometimes there is a need to step these up to really get the message across or build interest in what you're trying to convey. Be it a Business Proposal or and Annual Report, the ability to make your document stand out can make or break the delivery...